Thu, Feb 14, 2019

Introducing KAPE - Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor

Download KAPE
KAPE Quarterly Update Q2 2023
New KAPE Official Demo - Kroll recently published an official demo walkthrough of KAPE by Andrew Rathbun.

I’m proud to announce KAPE (Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor) is now available for download. KAPE is an efficient and highly configurable triage program that will target essentially any device or storage location, find forensically useful artifacts, and parse them within a few minutes.

Having worked with and taught digital forensics for over 10 years in both law enforcement and enterprise environments, I understood how DFIR professionals could benefit from a program that collected and processed forensically valuable data quickly, potentially before any full system images were completed.

With key input from the digital forensics/incident response (DFIR) community, we also included predefined “targets” and “modules” for KAPE that help investigators gather a wider range of artifacts in a fraction of the time, enriching evidentiary libraries. KAPE is free for download here.

Note: If you're using KAPE commercially, we now have an enterprise license that will enable you to use KAPE on any engagements.

So… What Exactly is KAPE?

Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor KAPE

KAPE is a multi-function program that primarily:

  1. collects files and
  2. processes collected files with one or more programs.

KAPE reads configuration files on the fly and based on their contents, collects and processes relevant files. This makes KAPE very extensible in that the program’s author does not need to be involved to add or expand functionality.

As we will see later in more detail, KAPE uses the concepts of targets and modules to do its work. KAPE comes with a range of default targets and modules for operations most commonly required in forensic exams. These can also serve as models  for creating new targets and modules.


How KAPE Works

At a high level, KAPE works by adding file masks to a queue. This queue is then used to find and copy files from a source location. For files that are locked by the operating system, a second run bypasses the lock. At the end of the process, KAPE will make a copy and preserve metadata about all available files from a source location into a given directory. The second (optional) stage of processing is to run one or more programs against the collected data. This too works by targeting either specific file names or directories. Various programs are run against the files, and the output from the programs is then saved in directories named after a category, such as EvidenceOfExecution, BrowserHistory or AccountUsage.

By grouping things by category, examiners of all skill levels have the means to discover relevant information regardless of an individual artifact's source. In other words, an examiner no longer need to know how to process prefetch, shimcache, amcache, userassist, etc., as they relate to evidence of execution artifacts. Ultimately, a wider range of artifacts can be leveraged for any given requirement.

So, In the end, we have a process that looks like this:

Introducing KAPE

Before exploring how KAPE delivers these results, either as a single operation or in stages, let’s first discuss the concepts of targets and modules.

A Bit Deeper

As mentioned earlier, KAPE has two primary phases:

  • target collection and
  • module execution.

Targets and modules are both written using YAML, which is easy to read and to write. KAPE comes with many prebuilt targets and modules that can also serve as examples for building new ones in the future.

Why use KAPE?

KAPE is a robust, free-software triage program that will target a device or storage location, find the most forensically important artifacts (based on your needs), and parse them within a few minutes. Because of its speed, KAPE allows investigators to find and prioritize the systems most critical for their case. Additionally, KAPE can be used to collect key artifacts prior to the start of the imaging process. While the imaging completes, the data generated by KAPE can be reviewed for leads, building timelines, etc.

In short, KAPE gets you to the data (and its answers) much faster than more traditional means.

Download KAPE Now

Note: If you're using KAPE commercially, we now have an enterprise license that will enable you to use KAPE on any engagements.

Kroll Artifact Parser And Extractor (KAPE)

Find, collect and process forensically useful artifacts in minutes.

KAPE Training

Learn how to jumpstart your forensic investigations and find meaningful data fast with a live KAPE training session led by a Kroll instructor.

KAPE Enterprise License

For individuals or business interested in using KAPE for commercial purposes.

KAPE Resources

The latest KAPE tutorials, webcasts and guides created by Kroll instructors.

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