Juan Molina

Juan Molina is a director based in the New York office. He has more than 12 years of experience in financial reporting and corporate accounting, including controllership, financial due diligence, purchase and technical accounting, financial modeling, and global financial consolidations.

Previously, Juan was a manager in the transaction advisory services of a top-five accounting firm. Prior to his transaction advisory experience, Juan led the international accounting and finance department for a global pharmaceutical company. In addition to this, he has five years of experience in the investment management industry, primarily operating within both private equity and hedge fund environments. Juan has been involved in both domestic and cross-border transactions within Latin America, Europe, India and Australia and has worked on transactions ranging from $1 million to $3 billion in purchase price.

Juan has a master’s degree in accounting from Caldwell University, and master’s in management from Stevens Institute of Technology. 

Corporate Finance and Restructuring

M&A advisory, restructuring and insolvency, debt advisory, strategic alternatives, transaction diligence and independent financial opinions.

Transaction Advisory Services

Kroll’s Transaction Advisory Services platform offers corporate and financial investors with deep accounting and technical expertise, commercial knowledge, industry insight and seamless analytical services throughout the deal continuum.

Financial Due Diligence

Kroll's Financial Due Diligence team provides Quality of Earnings (QoE) and key financial analyses for buyers, sellers and banks in M&A transactions.

Comprehensive Due Diligence Solution

Our Comprehensive Due Diligence solution helps clients minimize risks and make the most informed business decisions. We support in the areas of tax, compliance and regulatory, ESG, operations/strategy, M&A, financial and accounting, investigations, disputes and cyber/IT risk.